自己の評価について(About self evaluation)

何事も無く順風満帆の人生ですと言いのける者はむしろ哀れかも知れません。あなたは一体何を学んだと言えるのでしょうか? こうした逆転思考も人生においては大事ではないでしょうか。

About self evaluation

The first thing to recommend for those who self-evaluate lower or who can not have confidence for the time being is to do muscle training. This is because you can objectively confirm that your body is evolving in a positive direction and making progress. It has a very immediate effect and contains many merits other than confidence formation.
With this experience as a cornerstone, it is to experience many low successes of hurdles. You should probably like yourself a little. Confidence is also strongly formed according to the degree to like you.
The second most important thing is to make a challenge book and write down the daily failures and lessons learned there. If you do not have anything to write in the challenge book, that means that you have not done anything about challenging. If you do not challenge your confidence will not come back. Please praise myself who challenged without worrying about failure.
Failure, frustration, much better. Long life experiences of life, family problems, etc. are precious learning materials.
Those who say that there is nothing sort of a sailing full life may be rather pathetic. What on earth can you say that you have learned? Is not such a reversal thought important in life?

